
SCOPE magazine was the pioneer of a new era in magazine publishing.  Published in South Africa from July 6, 1966, it was the first magazine to challenge the supremacy of the imported glossies; the first magazine to offer high-quality gravure colour printing; the first magazine to challenge the hypocritical morals of a Calvinistic minority; the first magazine to cause censorship laws to be rewritten; the first magazine to bring the gory details of the news fronts of the world into the sitting rooms of sheltered South Africans.

There were many other firsts, not to mention being the first magazine to put a bikini girl on the cover – and get away with it.

 The early bannings of SCOPE were undoubtedly one of the reasons why it became so successful. Every time SCOPE was banned, it was mentioned in the Press. People who would never have bought a SCOPE rushed out to get a copy to see what was so offensive. The Publication Board undoubtedly did SCOPE a tremendous favour because, finding nothing offensive, people realised SCOPE was actually a damn fine magazine.




1968 - 1970


                 23 August 1968                               29 November 1968                         19 September 1969


              20 February 1970                                 20 March 1970

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